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A Real Yankee Hater

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Although it has been more than ten years since they have had a winning season, I'm not ashamed that my baseball loyalties lie in Baltimore with the Orioles but it is impossible to avoid the intense rivalry between Red Sox fans and Yankee fans. Here's a license plate spotted in Portland. I always thought that the DMV was supposed to pass on vanity plates that use offensive language. Looks to me like a fellow Red Sox fan signed off on this one.

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  1. Stanley Tupaj on

    And it looks like you got a solid hitter for Fenway with Gonzalez. I am just an observer. Remember, I am an Oriole fan!
    • Jotham Oliver on

      Stan, we, Red Sox Nation, take sincere offence. We spend. We spend our money wisely....aside from JD Drew and Dice-K and Jose Offerman and.....okay I gues my point is we spend. We are certainly not inferior money-wise. Neither talent. We may not act as well as Jeter, but after all we have morals.
      • John on

        I have worked in New York and have never seen a licence plate running down the Red Sox, I guess because New Yorkers don't care about them. That plate shows that New England sports fans are in awe of the Yankees, it is a sincere form of flattery and goes against what it is intended to show.
        • Stanley Tupaj on

          As an Oriole fan, I am not fond of either team's ability to spend more money than anyone else. Although everyone enjoys watching the Yanks get eliminated from the playoffs, I do think that most Red Sox fans suffer from sort of an inferiority complex.
          • Stanley Tupaj on

            And it looks like you got a solid hitter for Fenway with Gonzalez. I am just an observer. Remember, I am an Oriole fan!
            • Lakiesha on

              That's an inventive answer to an instteering question