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The Fire of February 9th

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In preparation for the big blizzard, I forgot to include an office fire on my list. In the days ahead I will provide information about Kezar Realty's location and plans but in the interim everyone's e-mails are working and you may reach me at home (207-925-2057) or on my cell (207-890-3834). We are working hard to minimize any disruptions.

This is also a tremendous loss to the town of Lovell. The building was always a center of activity and served as the general store for generations. Many people came in and spent time with me discussing their memories of the building and the good times they had there. From those visits sprang the idea for the local conversations sponsored by the Lovell Historical Society.

A great amount of appreciation, admiration and respect go out to all of the Volunteer fire departments--Lovell, Fryeburg, Stoneham, Saco Valley and Center Conway--the Stoneham and Freyburg Rescue units and the great efforts of Central Maine Power, FairPoint Communications and the Time-Warner Company to get 18,000 people back up and running. All worked in below freezing temps and heavy snowfall. Here's a short video of the fire.

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  1. GUY on

    Our thoughts are with you Stan.
    • Stanley Tupaj on

      Gary, Thank you very much. You know better than anyone how difficult it is.
      • Lynda on

        Sending healing loving thoughts your way.
        • rebecca freeman on

          I miss your sign already. So very sorry for the loss.
          • Jim Rowe on

            My family went through it with our homestead in North Lovell and I don't wish it on anybody. Guess the only good news is that nobody died or was injured. Hang in there, Stan.
            • Stanley Tupaj on

              Jim, as always, thanks for your support.
              • Stanley Tupaj on

                Rebecca, I don't know exactly when but the sign will return! Thanks
                • Stanley Tupaj on

                  I'm feeling the vibes! Thanks
                  • sweetmeow on

                    I hope you know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers these last few days. I cannot imagine what you're going through. I'm also thinking of the entire town of Lovell, and what it all means to the morale of the town. Kudos to all the fire departments and all they did, as well.
                    • Rich on

                      Sorry to hear about the devasting fire. Here for any support I can provide.
                      • Stanley Tupaj on

                        Rich, Thank you very much! The week of the fire I was rearranging the cork board and centering on top the Fractional Ownership info. Will be up and running shortly.
                        • mike on

                          Thinking of you Stan. Couldn't believe the photos! So glad no one was hurt. Let me know if there is something I can do to help.
                          • Stanley Tupaj on

                            Thanks for the good vibes!
                            • Carol and Hal Taylor on

                              Stan, Hal, Carol, and Brittany and David Williams are sending caring thoughts and wishes your way. You are such and important part of the town and have been so helpful to us all in recent times. All the best to you as you move forward with your recovery. See you at Rosies !!!!! All the best! Carol Sev and Hal Taylor, Brittany and David Williams and Family