Early on it was clear that there were no controversial issues on the docket for annual Town Meeting. The availability of parking spaces outside the Town Hall as well as the empty folding chairs inside the building were proof that many residents felt it not important to attend. A total of sixty-two people attended the meeting and voted on ninety separate articles.
Jonathan Bliss was nominated and elected to serve as the moderator for the meeting. In addition to commending the Lovell Public Works Department for their excellent work in maintaining the town's roads during this lengthy winter, the Selectmen provided an update on the contentious Fryeburg school construction issue. As the final funding formula and overall building designs are developed, it is important to stay informed, to attend School Board meetings and to vote. (MSAD 72's website for more information).
Here is a summary of the meeting:
- The Annual Report was dedicated to the men and women, both past and present, of the Armed Forces .
- Patrick Williams, Meg Dyer and Karen Bacchiocchi were elected to the Planning Board.
- Rose McKenzie, Jonathan Bliss and Joe Moody were elected to the Budget Committee.
- Robert Stellar and Jane Williams were elected to the MSAD 72 Board of Directors.
- $10,521 was appropriated for the Stoneham Rescue Service.
- The Lovell Zoning Ordinance was amended so that agriculture would be an allowed use in all districts without the need for a permit from the Code Enforcement Officer.
- All of the local organizations, such as the Lovell Historical Society, Charlotte Hobbs Memorial Library and the Lewis Dana Hill Memorial Library received their requested dollar amounts.
- Most requests from a variety of non-profit groups providing services to Lovell residents, such as Community Concepts, Seniors Plus and the American Red Cross were approved.
The meeting concluded in a timely 2 hours and 35 minutes. Plenty of time remained to enjoy the pleasant winter day!
Here is a copy of the full Annual Report.