When both Vacation Renters and prospective homebuyers come to Kezar Realty, I always have a packet of information prepared for them. In addition to local publications such as Lake Living, West Coast Maine and the Buyer's Guide to Real Estate, I also include information about hiking trails, Greater Lovell Land Trust activities and articles that have appeared in local newspapers over the past few years. All of them highlight the many diverse activities that are available in our western Maine region.
It is, however, surprising to have lengthy stories about Lovell appear in two different magazines in the very same month. The first is in Down East magazine, available everywhere, and the second is in a not so widely-distributed publication called Maine Townsman. The latter journal is made available to municipal officials throughout the state.
Both articles approach our town from two very different angles and they are both very accurate. Click here for the Down East magazine article (starting on page 94). Click here for the Maine Townsman article (starting on page 19).
BTW, let me know if you happen to come across any newsstands!