2018 Lovell Old Home Days T-Shirt Design by Fryeburg Academy Student Grace Marshall
2018 Parade Grand Marshals Jon and Pam Bliss
Be sure to be around Lovell this weekend. Lots of exciting events taking place all around town starting on Thursday and continuing through Sunday. The big event, of course, is the parade and 5k run on Saturday morning starting at 9:45 am on Route 5. See the list of events below:
- Don & Cindy Roy (2018 National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Winners) at the Brick Church for the Performing Arts. Christian Hill, Lovell. 7:00 pm. $10 per ticket. Click here to visit web site
- 3 pm. Harvest Gold Gallery Artist Reception and Open House. Free to the public. Click here to visit Harvest Gold's web site
- 4:30-6:30 5k Race Registration & Packet Pick-Up Lovell Athletic Field.
- 5:00 Pm Burgers, Hot Dogs and Music under the tent. Proceeds benefit the Lovell Old Home Days Program.
- 7 am. Hearty Breakfast at the Masonic Hall in Village
- 9 am. Parade Entries Gather at the Wicked Good
- 9:45 am. Run Begins!!!
- 10 am. Parade Begins!!!
- 11 am OLD HOME ACTIVITIES at the Lovell Athletic Field. The Jerry Hobson Band at the Gazebo
- 2 pm. Children's Theater Camp Performance at the Brick Church
- 10 am to 3 pm Lovell Historical Society's Summer Fair
- Live Auction at 11 am
- Antique Dealers & Antique Car Display
- Vendors
- Live Music
- Delicious Food
- Free Admission
- Click here to visit Historical Society's web site