Resident Steve Bender makes a point about Shoreland Zoning
Lovell Town Meeting, March 2, 2019
Nothing like a couple of hot-button issues to draw a record crowd to Lovell’s historic Town Hall for the Annual Town Meeting on March 2nd. Close to 150 people were in attendance with many forced to stand throughout the proceedings as all of the seats were occupied.
Months of Planning Board meetings, a public hearing and a citizen’s petition led to a vote on whether the town should retain Lovell’s more restrictive shoreland zoning issue or to revert back to the state’s minimum standards. Moderator Jon Bliss orchestrated an orderly discussion in which proponents from each side of the issue were permitted to speak. Voting was by paper ballot and with a vote that was not very close (76-50), residents voted to retain the town’s more restrictive shoreland ordinance.
A proposed zoning ordinance to prohibit all retail marijuana establishments generated some discussion but, in the end, was approved. The new ordinance prohibits all retail sales as well as any cultivation.
There was a very close vote for the open selectman seat vacated by Turf Ramsden. A difference of only five votes separated the two candidates. Retired tax collector Janice Arsenault won with 68 votes while Jack Jones garnered 63. All in attendance gave Turf a rousing round of applause to thank him for his years of service.
The remaining articles met with minimal discussion, were approved quickly and the meeting was over by 12:30. Still plenty of time to enjoy a beautiful winter’s afternoon.
Another Lovell Town Meeting in the books.