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A Lovell Institution Closes

Bruce Thurston & Terry Guptill

Bruce "Hoss" Thurston always said that when it was time to retire, both he and Terry Guptill would go out together. What a story it is -- Hoss has owned his auto repair business for 55 years and Terry has been with him for 42 years. Both summer and year-round residents have stories about how well they were treated when they were at wit's end with their broken car and the boys made everything good again. But it is not about just repairing motors and replacing tires. Thurston's Garage was a place to visit for friendly conversation or advice. And always with enthusiasm!

Lots of people have had their picture taken with the Lovell Village sign and I am truly honored that Hoss and Terry took a ride down on their busy last day in business for a photo.

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